The New 2025-26 AP CSA Curriculum
Learn more about AP Computer Science A revisions launching in the 2025-26 school year.
Course Revisions
- The Inheritance Unit (Unit 9) is gone.
- Units 1-8 & 10 are now consolidated into 4 units. The order of topics has been rearranged.
- A new topic has been added! As part of Unit 4, students are to use the File and Scanner classes to read a file. These are some of the methods that are introduced:
int nextInt()
returns the nextint
read from the file or input source if available.String nextLine()
returns the next line of text as a `String` read from the file or input source.boolean hasNext()
returns `true` if there is a next item to read in the file or input source; returns `false` otherwise.
Exam Revisions (May 2026 exam)
Multiple-Choice Section
- 42 questions—an increase from 40.
- 4 answer choices per question—a decrease from 5. (Yay!)
- 55% of overall exam score—an increase from 50%.
Free-Response Section
- 4 shortened questions with 25 scored points—a decrease from 36 scored points.
- Removing arrays from Question 3 (Data Analysis with ArrayList). This question will focus only on ArrayLists.
- 45% of overall exam score—a decrease from 50%.
How do I prepare?
Cobi Computer Science will release the updated AP CSA Curriculum in mid-March 2025, complete with teacher resources and new videos.
Stay tuned!
Related Link:
College Board's Revision Announcement:
The new AP CSA Course and Exam Description: